Care assistant

Equal opportunities

At Fieldbay, we encourage, nurture, and celebrate diversity and equal opportunities. We want people to be individuals and remain true to themselves. We adopt a zero-tolerance approach to all acts of discrimination and harassment. We champion and believe in equal opportunities for everyone.

Our values focused recruitment process gives everyone the same opportunity and platform. We acknowledge the significant benefit of developing a truly diverse workforce.

We encourage diversity through culture, background, experience, and thought.

We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind but in particular, discrimination linked to protected characteristics:

  • marital or civil partner status

  • age

  • disability

  • gender reassignment

  • pregnancy or maternity

  • race

  • colour

  • nationality

  • ethnic or national origin

  • religion or belief

  • sex or sexual orientation.


* There might be times when our recruitment needs are very specific. This may include the need to specify male or female employees. Where this is indicated it is an occupational requirement and is done so in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
